
DV skickade den här låten till mig (AH) på facebook häromdan och FH tyckte att det skulle bloggas om det så då gör jag det. Det är Sabaton som gjort en hyllningslåt till andra band och gör det genom att baka in bandnamn i texten till en namedroppingfest som skulle göra Per Sinding Larsen avundsjuk. Jag får det till inte mindre än 35 bandnamn i texten, säkert en del som till och med FH känner igen. Men jag kan ju räknat fel.

Take some venom and accept
That you won't see Nazareth
The rainbow leads you home

Warrior sent to milky way
UFO shooting gamma ray
A riot of destruction

Watch the rockbitch go down, vixen spread

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory

You were born a motorhead
Bike's in flames you race ahead
U do the Kansas rush

Racing with the motley crew
Annihilator chasing you
With guns and burning roses

Status quo has been reached, wasps unleashed

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory

Take a skyride with me, then you'll see

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory


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